Tuesday 5 January 2016


Hope you've enjoyed these 12 blogs of Christmas.

Want some inspiration for talking to others about Jesus in 2016? I found the following quote helpful.

Why not join with me in praying that we might see some 'unlikely converts' this coming year?
The next Billy Graham might be drunk right now. 
The next Jonathan Edwards might be the man driving in front of you with the Darwin Fish bumper decal. 
The next Charles Wesley might currently be a misogynistic, profanity-spewing hip-hop artist. 
The next Charles Spurgeon might be managing an abortion clinic today. 
The next Mother Teresa might be a heroin-addicted porn star this week. 
The next Augustine of Hippo might be a sexually promiscuous cult member right now, just like, come to think of it, the first Augustine of Hippo was.  
But the Spirit of God can turn all that around. And seems to delight to do so. 
The new birth doesn't just transform lives, creating repentance and faith; it also provides new leadership to the church, and fulfils Jesus' promise to gift his church with everything needed for her onward march through space and time (Eph. 4:8-16). 
(Russell Moore)