Friday, 20 July 2012

More to Life?

I've been doing some work over the last few weeks on our evangelism strategy for the next couple of years. As you may know, I've taken over the leadership of the Evangelism Team and we're going to be getting together over the summer to think through the opportunities there are in the run up to Christmas and beyond.

It's been refreshing to pause and take some time to really think about how we can be more effective in taking Jesus out to our families, friends and local community.

According to one of the 5 key 'statements' we've developed over the last few years,
Our MISSION is to make disciples who understand our culture and know, sow and show Jesus in Warndon Villages, Worcester and the World.

But how can we do that more effectively?

I'm convinced that most unchurched people have a sense that there is 'more to life', and are open to considering faith, however what they need to see is a faith that genuinely makes a positive difference, that works.

I find that an immense challenge.

Am I close enough to my unchurched friends so that they can see the difference Jesus makes in my life? Do I spend time with them? Do I listen to what bothers them? Do I exhibit genuine interest in them? Am I non-judgemental and accepting, willing to go onto their territory and inhabit their world?

And if I am close to them, do they notice any difference at all? Or is all they see religion, rules and restrictions?

Challenging questions, but ones we must face up to if we are to reach the 1,000s of people all around us who know there is more to life and are looking for something authentic that works and someone who can show them what that looks like in practice.

I've found the following song by Phatfish really helpful in reminding me of the wonderful good news we have to share..enjoy!

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