The book Operation World has been around for decades. The original edition was produced in 1964 by Patrick Johnstone, a missionary in South Africa, as a 32-page booklet of basic information about 30 countries. The most recent 2010 edition, is 1,000 pages long and has 3-4 pages of information and prayer request for every country in the world. It is THE definitive volume of prayer information about the world.
And the good news is that Operation World has a really accessible and helpful WEBSITE!
If you haven’t yet discovered it, it’s worth a visit. One of the most useful features is the ‘Pray Today’ page (found under the ‘prayer movement’ tab) which has concise information for a new country every day, as well as an ‘Answer to Prayer' and ‘Challenge for Prayer’ paragraph.
So, here’s an idea for a great New Years resolution: Why not set the ’Pray Today’ page of Operation World’s website as your homepage this year and spend the first minute whenever you log on each day praying for the world?