Monday 16 March 2015

A Prayer for Mums

Peter Barham, one of our Pastors at Woodgreen, wrote a prayer for our Mothering Sunday morning services yesterday. A number of people commented on how helpful - and all-encompassing - they found it. It's copied below. This is a prayer for mothers of all sorts, which can be prayed all year round...

Loving God, we give thanks today for mothers.

Thank you for the blessing of mother figures in our lives. For those mothers who gave birth to us, for great grandmothers and grandmothers and women who have treated us as their own children. Thank you for all our mothers mean to us and do for us. You teach us how to be good mothers, cherishing and protecting the children among us. Help us mother lovingly, fairly, wisely and with great joy. Help us raise our children to be the people they are born to be.

We need your comfort here today, Lord, because we live in a broken world. Some are missing their mothers, some are missing their children, some are parted by distance or death. Some are new mothers, coming to terms with new responsibility or expectant mothers, wondering and waiting; Some are single mothers or caring for children of others.

Especially comfort those who have longed to be biological mothers, but cannot. Those women who are single. Those who have lost a child, given up their child for adoption, or who chose not to give birth, and had an abortion. Those whose children have physical, mental or emotional disabilities.

We pray for those here whose mothers have disappointed them; we ask for grace in relationships where there is pain and bitterness, for healing in relationships where there is abuse and violence. Comfort  mothers around the world. Mothers who cannot feed their children due to poverty, mothers who are homeless or without a homeland; mothers who must teach their children about the dangers of bombs and bullets.

Help our church to be a space where people can feel mothered, a family where women's gifts and talents are appreciated and nurtured.

For each mother in our church, because of what Jesus has done, create in them a clean heart. Renew a refreshed spirit within them. Give them gospel strength to get through the day. Open their eyes so that they see your hand at work in the mess of life. Be their constant in fluctuating emotions. Keep the gospel ever before them and make it a reality in their daily life as a mother.

We pray that tomorrow you would be with them in all the muck and mire of motherhood. Help them to find their joy in you and not in my circumstances. May they remember that even when it feels otherwise, you are always with them, will never leave them, or forsake them. Tonight help them to  sleep in peace knowing that even when they lose their grip, you will never let go of them. And they will open their eyes in the morning to find mercy, fresh and new, ready for the taking.

Thank you Lord for the way you care for mothers, Amen