Saturday 26 December 2015


Have you ever noticed how many times angels tell people connected to the Christmas story: do not be afraid'?

·       When an angel told Zechariah he would have a son who would prepare the way for the Messiah he prefaced what he said with: 'Do not be afraid' (Luke 1:13)

·         When an angel appeared to Joseph to tell him Mary was pregnant with the Messiah he told him: 'Do not be afraid' (Matthew 1:20)

·         When an angel told Mary she had found favour with God and was going to give birth to God's Saviour Son he said: 'Do not be afraid' (Luke 1:30)

·         When the angels appeared to the shepherds to announce good news of great joy they said:  'Do not be afraid' (Luke 2:10)

However, there is more to this than an angelic catchphrase. 

'Do not be afraid' is a message for us all, which this brilliant 3 minute 'spoken word' video from Dai Woolridge beautifully explores. Grab a coffee, sit back, and enjoy...

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