Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Being Grateful: Harvest

This Sunday is our Harvest Guest Service at Woodgreen Church. It's a 45 minute all-age service and we'd love to see you there as we give thanks together for God's goodness to us. It should be lots of fun as the children stay in with us. Can you come and is there someone you could invite to join us?

If you want to bring tinned food or food in packets feel free. Everything we collect will be going to Worcester Word of Life and Birmingham City Mission, both of which will pass them on to those who need it. But even if you don't have anything to bring, come along anyway.

One of my favourite stories about thankfulness concerns Matthew Henry, who lived in a 17th Century and wrote a famous commentary on the whole Bible. On one occasion he was held up at gunpoint by a robber who stole his wallet. However he managed to find something to thank God for even in this:
'Let me be thankful, first, because he never robbed me before; second, because although he took my purse, he did not take my life; third, because although he took all I possessed, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed.'

While preparing this week I came across this video which reminded me of that story about Matthew Henry.  I won't be using it in the service on Sunday, but it seemed too good not to pass on. It's a great reminder to keep our gripes in perspective.

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